Festicocoa and Festicoffee become Cacao & Coffee Festival


The first edition of the Cacao & Coffee Festival will hold from 29th to 31st May 2024 in Yaounde and Douala. 

The event organised by Cameroon’s Cocoa and Coffee Interprofessional Council has as theme, “Let’s valorise the cocoa and coffee of our terroirs”.

Ahead of the grand international rendezvous, the Minister of Trade, Luc Magloire Mbarga Atangana, held a press briefing to unveil the content of the three-day forum.

He indicated that the Festival is a combination of Festicacao and Festicoffee which had been suspended since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Minister announced that over thirteen countries from across the world will be present to discuss the cultivation and transformation of cocoa and coffee.

A delegation from India that was present at the press briefing, hailed Cameroonian coffee, saying it is rich and the world must get to discover it.

Innovations at Cacao & Coffee Festival

The Cacao & Coffee Festival will be interspersed with trainings and competitions including:

– The cocoa and coffee challenge where hotel training centres will compete in various categories including making meals from cocoa or coffee with the winner awarded.

– Initiation to coffee tasting. The team from India headed by Akanksha Kupta will train 30 Cameroonians and others from Madagascar on the cupping of coffee.

– The tribune of transformers which will bring together professionals and actors in the coffee and cocoa sector to exchange notes. A team from Netherlands will be on hand during this session.

Other activities include the batista competition, training sessions, an exhibition fair on the esplanade of the Yaounde City Hall and a coffee tasting day at the Place du Gouvernement in Bonanjo, Douala.

Eleanor Ayuketah Ngochi

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