Dyslexie, Dyscalculie , Dyspraxie : l’association Viedami organise le dépistage des troubles “dys”
Que dit-on d’un élève qui n’arrive pas à suivre le rythme de sa classe ? Qui a du
Que dit-on d’un élève qui n’arrive pas à suivre le rythme de sa classe ? Qui a du
Getting medicines to those in need just got easier. Africa’s leading regulatory bodies have joined forces in a historic
The Civil Society for Malaria Elimination (CS4ME) has begun making preparations for its contribution to the successful replenishment of
Household expenditure on healthcare in Cameroon is currently 72%, according to the World Health Organisation, far from the 15%
The Chantal BIYA International Reference Center for research on the prevention and care of HIV / AIDS will
Cameroon observed the 11th Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Day on a satisfactory note as over 3.5 million people have
Medical personnel in Cameroon now have an e-learning platform to educate them on aspects linked to the Universal Health
As the year draws to an end, many people are doing a balancesheet of how the year went with
The Yaoundé General Hospital, the Yaoundé Teaching Hospital Centre and the Yaoundé Gyneco-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospitals now have new
In a bid to protect healthcare professionals from harassment and abuse, the Cameroonian government has introduced a new rule