Higher Education:Stakeholders to reinforce Professionalism and Vocational Training

  Professionalism and vocational training will be at the heart of major reforms to be carried out in state universities in the coming years.  Higher education stakeholders deliberated on this reform and other salient issues affecting the Higher Education Sector in the country during the 2024 Conference of Heads of University institutions in Cameroon on […]

Amendments on the Finance Law: National Assembly Adopts Ordinance Bill

              The bill to ratify the ordinance of 20 June 2024, which amends and supplements certain provisions of the Finance Law of Cameroon for the 2024 Financial year has been adopted at the National Assembly. The Adoption followed general debates during the plenary sitting which saw Minister Louis Paul […]

Governors from the Ten Regions meet For the First Bi Annual Conference in Yaoundé

Discussions during the Governor’s conclave in Yaoundé focused on security reports and Surveillance in the different regions of Cameroon. The First Bi-Annual Conference of Regional Governors was presided by the Minister of Territorial Administration, under the theme “Administrative Authorities in Maintaining Law and Order in a Pre-election period” Minister Paul Atanga Nji used the opportunity […]

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