Workshop on Best Practices and Successful Education Systems in Yaoundé


The Secretary General at the Ministry of Basic Education, Mr Oyono Adams Daniel, has urged participants of the workshop on best practices and successful education systems within the KIX Afrique 21 program to seize the opportunity to develop innovative research solutions for the education sector. He made these remarks on Wednesday, August 21, in Yaoundé while officially opening the two-day workshop.

During the event, Madame NDAYI née Claudette Elizabeth Segunda BALINGA, the focal point of the KIX Africa 21 program at the national level, stated, “This workshop will feature four presentations selected by a scientific committee. We will discuss these presentations, and following the workshop, we will develop a strategic plan for KIX Africa 21 in Cameroon. This strategic plan will outline the actions and activities we need to undertake, which will be supported by various donors.”

Objectives Of the Workshop

The workshop aims to share good practices and innovations by:
* Presenting successful experiences, innovations, and good practices identified through an analysis of communications from promoters (actors and partners).
* Developing a document to capitalize on these practices, experiences, and innovations in Cameroon, specifying selection criteria, sharing modalities, and implementation.

Expected Results

The workshop anticipates the following outcomes:
* Identification of actors and partners who are initiators of good practices or successful experiences in education and training.
* Identification of promising knowledge and innovations (good practices, successful experiences, and innovations).
* Development of a document to capitalize on good practices and/or successful experiences, as well as innovations in Cameroon.

This second activity of KIX Africa 21, following the launch of the program in Cameroon, is under the general supervision of the Ministry of Basic Education (MINEDUB).
KIX Africa is the “Sharing Knowledge and Innovations” program funded by the Partnership for Global Education.

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