International Day of Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises : The Powerhouses of the Global Economy celebrated


Cameroon commemorated the 4th International Day of Micro, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (MSME2024) on June 27, 2024 with the theme: “Sustainable and Inclusive Industrialization : Role and Contribution of MSMEs”.

Sources  have revealed that nearly 98% of Cameroon’s entrepreneurial ecosystem comes from Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs).

The Minister of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, Achille Bassilekin in his words said: “We have to ensure that an enabling environment is developed so they can contribute to the production of wealth and jobs in our country in a sustainable way,”

He launched activities to commemorate the 4th edition of the Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Day on 27th June in Yaounde.

Government Efforts in Supporting MSMEs

According to Minister Achille Bassilekin, the government is mobilizing resources to support MSMEs and assist in the certification of their products.

He said trainings will be organized for entrepreneurs and funds will be made available to support the certification process and help actors in the sector.

Meanwhile, the Representative of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in Cameroon, Raymond Tavares, encouraged entrepreneurs to produce quality products that respect international standards.

He said UNIDO would organize the first contest of local products to give visibility to producers and processors of Cameroonian products, with the aim of giving them a place in the international market. He also mentioned that UNIDO is working with the ministry to add value to what Cameroonians are doing.

These experts are also focusing on encouraging women’s participation in the MSMS sector through various programs.

This fourth edition of the SMSE2024 began with a
conference which provided an opportunity for participants to discuss the national theme of the event.

A specialized trade fair coordinated by MSME actors from the agri-food, wood processing and cotton-leather value chains also provided an opportunity to present the implementation of the fruits of the import-substitution policy to the general public, through exhibition stands, products and services.

The critical role of MSME2024 in the Cameroonian economy was highlighted during the 4th MSME2024.

Che Tembuck

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