Regional News Roundup – June 11, 2024


Regional updates of 11th June 2024, from across Cameroon.

Some 150 conscripts and 50 volunteers in the Centre Region have been selected to benefit from the 2024 session of training on moral rearmament and civic values organised by the National Civic Service for Participation in Development. The vulenteers will be trained in Ntol, a locality in the Lekie Division of the Centre Region.

A one-week campaign to diagnose mental disability in children from 0 to 18 years is underway at the Bepanda Multipurpose Centre in Douala.
The free campaign, which runs till 18th June, 2024 is organised by the Douala City Council as part of commemorative activities to mark this year’s edition of the Day of the African Child on Sunday, 16th June, 2024.

Colonel Fomundam Chum Roger has been installed as the Commander of the 31st Motorized Infantry Brigade with command post in Ngaoundere. The representative of the Minister Delegate in charge of Defence, Commander of the Third Joint Military Region,  Brigadier General Agha Robinson installed him in a ceremony at the courtyard of the 5th Military Sector. He called on him to ensure discipline within the ranks as well as protect Cameroon’s territorial integrity.

Some 650 new recruits of the Rapid Intervention Battalion (BIR) have completed an endurance test during which they walked a distance of 400 kilometers, from the Far North Region to the North Region’s capital, Garoua. The BIR recruits were received this morning by the Governor of the North Region, Jean Abate Edi’i, who saluted their bravery and resilience and handed them the country’s flag in the name of the Head of State, Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces.

Some 1500 youths in Diamare Division of the Far North Region have been retained to benefit from assistance from the Safety Nets Project as a means to fight poverty. This comes to add to survival instincts adopted by youths of the Region who have been involved in different income generating activities.

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