ECCAS, CEMAC, CEPGL Delegations at Prime Minister’s Office


The Prime Minister Head of Government Joseph Dion Ngute has held discussions with the heads of the 3 regional bodies attending the Steering Committee for The Restructuring of Regional Economic Communities in Central Africa.

The heads of ECCAS, CEMAC and CEPGL shared their experiences with the Prime Minister and voiced their commitment to the rationalisation process.

After presiding over the official opening of the 6th meeting of the steering committee for the Restructuring of Regional Economic Communities in Central Africa, the prime minister received members of the 3 regional bodies in separate audiences.

The first to be received was the ECCAS delegation led by the President of the eccas commission, Gilberto delpiedade verisimo.
He told the prime minister that ECCAS is open to the rationalisation of regional bodies.

The same opinion expressed by the president of the cemac commission Balthasar engonga who said rationalisation can only be good for the subregion.

The executive secretary of the CEPGL Herman Tuyaga equally expressed the openess of the economic community of the great lakes countries in favour of rationalisation.

The Prime minister Head of Government Joseph Dion Ngute exhorted the heads of the regional bodies to continue pushing for greater integration.

Christian Che Atam

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