Universal Health Coverage: E-learning Platform for Healthcare Workers Launched


Medical personnel in Cameroon now have an e-learning platform to educate them on aspects linked to the Universal Health Coverage.

The online platform launched this 5th December, 2024 is fruit of partnership with the Ministry of Public Health’s partner, Cooperation Allemande.

About the E-learning Platform

The platform can be accessed on https://e-learningqualite.minsante.cm/.

It has as main objective, training healthcare workers on various aspects of the Universal Health Coverage.

After following the link, the user needs to log into the platform which has restricted access, allowing only those in the medical field to log in.

The Head of the Computer Department at the Ministry of Public Health, Emmanuel Batoum explains that the platform has various modules of training which can be downloaded and used offline.

He adds that with time, other modules will be added to meet the needs of users.

During the launch of the platform today, participants called for the securing of the systeme through the services of ANTIC to prevent the infiltration of hackers.

The system, if used by healthcare workers, is sure to complement the understanding of the Universal Health Coverage by healthcare workers towards a better adoption.

Eleanor Ayuketah Ngochi

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