Empowering Rural Women: The Minister of Women’s Empowerment kickstarts activities in prelude to International Day of Rural Women


Cameroon’s Minister of Women’s Empowerment and the Family, Marie-Therese Abena Ondoa, has kicked off activities to honor rural women ahead of the International Day of Rural Women, observed globally on October 15. At the launch event, Minister Marie-Therese Abena Ondoa emphasized the crucial role rural women play in agricultural development, food security, and their communities’ well-being.

The Minister highlighted the significance of rural women, stating that they are powerful agents of change when educated, trained, and informed. These women are better equipped to manage land, protect their environment, leverage modern technologies, and build resilience in the face of crises. They also play a leading role in their own well-being and that of their families.

Challenges Faced by Rural Women

Despite government efforts and partnerships, rural women face numerous obstacles, including limited access to resources, harmful cultural practices, climate change, and restricted access to basic services. In Cameroon, women living in rural areas represent 52% of active women and 71.6% of the agricultural workforce, contributing over 85% of the country’s food production.

The event brought together rural women from the Centre region to showcase their produce and participate in training and awareness-raising activities. This year’s theme, “Rural Women And Import Substitution: Opportunities And Challenges,” highlights the importance of empowering rural women in Cameroon’s economic development.

The International Day of Rural Women is a global observance that recognizes the vital contributions of rural women, supporting local initiatives, or spreading awareness about the importance of empowering rural women.

Che Tembuck

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