Fish Production: Kribi’s Fish Markets Lower Prices as Peak Period Approaches


Fish supply enters its peak period in seaside resort town of Kribi, in the Ocean division, South region of Cameroon, resulting in drastic drop in prices.

The increase in supply is justified by the heavy downpour recently experienced in the division which the fishermen say, invites the fish towards the shores of the Atlantic Ocean.

The fish market in Boa-Manga Kribi is experiencing more traffic in recent days as fishers announce abundance and the drop in prices.

Justifying the Increase is Fish Supply

Fishers at the Kribi Community Artisanal Fishing Center CECOPAK at the Boa Manga Landing platform say they experience three fishing seasons.

The drought period, the average period and the peak season.

The President of the Fishers Association, Divae Faustin confirms that the early months of September with the heavy rains usually usher them into the peak period of the fishing season.

“The torrential rains washes off the surfaces, picking along debris which include food items that serve as bate for fish. When it washes into the sea, it attracts them towards the shore to come and feed. That is why it is easy for us to easy catch more fish without venturing into high waters.”

The most common fish sold in markets in Kribi include tilapia, sole, catfish and the bar fish which is the most supplied at over 80%.

The inviting fish prices

Far end retailers of fish in Kribi say, they have experienced a 30% drop in fish prices since the start of the peak season.

A kilogram of bar fish which was recently sold at 6,000 CFAF is now sold at 3,500-4,000 CFAF. Sole fish has dropped from 4,000 to about 3,000 CFAF.

“Other species can be got at lower prices compared to just two weeks ago,” retailers confirm.

This has had a huge impact on import substitution as many run to the fish markets to get supply rather than waiting on cold stores for imported fish.

The fishers in Kribi say the peak period of fish production is expected to last the period of September to early December.

Bruno Ndonwie Funwie

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