Medical Schools: Council Calls for End to BTS, HND, DSEP and HPD Training


Nursing students pursuing training to obtain Higher National Diplomas and Higher Professional Diplomas in Health, known by their French acronyms as BTS, DSEP and HPD from medical schools in Cameroon may soon see these courses suspended in the country.

This class of medical personnel may not be admitted into professional medical associations, or effectively work as full-fledged health care givers if the National Council for the Professions of Nurses, Midwives  and Health technicians( CNMT) succeeds to stop these training offers in medical schools.

The CNMT held a press conference at the headquarter of the structure in Yaoundé on 7th August to call for an end to training offered for specialties including BTS, HND, DSEP, and HPD in Cameroon.


Accordingly, owners of professional schools and young people aspiring to be trained in these disciplines would have to hold on pending a decision from a joint Ministry of Public Health, Ministry of Higher Education and CNMT committee.

“ We are waiting for the recommendations that will ensue from ongoing discussions. We are not asking anyone to change their profession, but we are asking holders of these certificates to get ready to go back to school for better training,” Dr. Fobasso Dzeuta Meikor, President of the CNMT said.

In response to this concern raised by the council, the President of the CNMT says the Ministry of Public Health has launched a competitive entrance exam to train health professionals and provide complementary training to holders of these certificates.

The council argues that existing shortcomings in these training offers question the quality and credibility of health professionals who should be properly trained and professionally sound.

“Some  individuals have gone ahead to have the HND, first degree, and even the State Registered Nurse ( SRN) qualifications in 3 years. Is such a person actually apt to work on patients in our hospitals? Tomorrow you and I maybe patients facing some of these students who have just graduated with such qualifications”  Abang Emmanuel, Vice President of  the CNM questions.

The BTS/ HND/ DSEP/ HPD Problem

The absence of a harmonized curricula, anarchical creation of nursing schools in disregard for laid down regulations, introduction of crash courses, unqualified teachers, absence of a standard for admission of students and the absence of a certification exam for courses run by the Ministry of Higher Education and other relevant ministries are some of the irregularities the CNMT wants to address.

Added to these plethora of issues is the fact that BTS, HND, DSEP and HPD certificates are not recognized out of Cameroon.

“ Cameroon is not an isolated country. All over the world, if you see a State Registered Nurse (STN), it means someone who has done a vigorous training, written an entrance examination and graduated with a certificate to work,” Abang Emmanuel, Vice President of  the CNMT said.

The council insists that  health professionals must be selected through an entrance examination, go through rigorous training for a required length of time, and be issued certificates of international recognition.

What the Law says

Law no 84-009 of 5th December 1984 regulates the practice of the professions of the nurse, midwife and medical -health technicians in Cameroon. It states that no one may practice these professions without being a Cameroonian, holder of a recognized state certificate registered with the CNMT and approved by competent authorities. The same law organizes the council whose role is to ensure compliance with these requirements and regulate the practice of the said professions.

“ We ensure that members of our professions adhere to the technical standards and provide quality care to the public,” the President of the CNMT,  Fobasso Dzeuta Meikor said.

The CNMT is made up of nurses, midwives and medical health technicians who meet once every three years. It has an assembly and the council which in turn has an executive body of 12 members elected for a three-year-term and responsible for the day to day management of the organization and implementing decisions of the general meeting. The CNMT also has a regional body which meets once in three years.

Kathy Neba Sina

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