Former CAF President, Issa Hayatou Quits the Scene at 78
Cameroonian-born former and honorary president of the Confederation of African Football, CAF, Issa Hayatou is dead. He died on the eve of his 78th birthday in the Paris France after an illness.
Cameroun-Guinée équatoriale: les deux pays évaluent leur coopération
C’est à l’occasion des assises de la 9e session de la grande commission mixte de coopération entre les deux parties ouvertes ce 7 août à Djibloho, en Guinée équatoriale. Au centre des échanges de Djibloho, l’examen de l’état de la coopération entre le Cameroun et la Guinée équatoriale. En effet, ces deux pays partagent […]
Ministry Of Basic Education Outlines Key Priorities For upcoming 2024 Back To School Season At Preparatory Meeting.
Staff of the Basic Education sector have been congratulated for their excellent performance during the just-ended school year, which saw overall better examination results than the previous year. The Minister of Basic Education, Laurent Serge Etoundi Ngoa, was speaking while officially opening the consultation meeting of heads of Central and devolved services of his ministry. […]
Universal Health Coverage : Health Voucher Goes to NW/SW regions
Pregnant women and their babies in the North West and South West regions of Cameroon enrolled for the Universal Health Converge (UHC) can now have antenatal follow up till delivery at the unique cost of FCFA 6000. Public Health Minister, Dr. Manaouda Malachie, launched the implementation of the health voucher scheme in these regions in […]
Former CAF President, Issa Hayatou Quits the Scene at 78
Cameroonian-born former and honorary president of the Confederation of African Football, CAF, Issa Hayatou is dead. He died on the eve of his 78th birthday in France after an illness
World Breastfeeding Week: How to Conserve Breast milk
World Breastfeeding Week is always a time to tell working mothers who wish to exclusively breastfeed for six months but must go to work as well that they can do it!
Call for Project Proposals: Prototyping Support Fund
The Minister of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Social Economy and Handicraft, Achille Bassilekin III, has officially launched the Fourth Call for Project Proposals for the Prototyping Support Fund (Proto-Fund). This initiative aims to support innovative projects and entrepreneurs in Cameroon. Context The Proto-Fund is a public seed capital scheme that brings together innovators, entrepreneurs, and […]
Cameroon Red Cross Supports Vulnerable Communities in Disaster Risk Reduction
The Cameroon Red Cross has implemented a project to support vulnerable communities in the country, aiming to prevent disasters and risks affecting their livelihoods. A recent workshop in Yaoundé presented the project’s results, highlighting its impact on flood prevention and preparedness actions in seven target localities: Kai-Kai, Vélé, Moutourwa, Ndoukoula, Logone Birni, Zina, and Kousseri […]
Cameroon’s Cybersecurity Revolution: Putting Women at the Forefront
The Minister of Posts and Telecommunications, Minette Libom Li Likeng, has launched a campaign to promote responsible social media practices and combat cybercrime, with a focus on empowering women in public administration. National Campaign for Cybersecurity Awareness This initiative aligns with the national campaign to promote a culture of cybersecurity and raise awareness about responsible […]