
As the rains continue in Yaounde, individuals are taking precautionary measures to fight certain diseases that come with the cold weather

During the rainy seasons like this, parents take extra caution with their kids to prevent certain recurrent illnesses like cough, catarrh and fever. The sale of sweaters, pullovers, socks and umbrellas are more prevalent in the markets.

Emmanuel Ndashi, an inhabitant of the Mobil Kondengui neighborhood says during the rainy season, his first aid box is always filled with cold-related drugs.

In the meantime, doctors say they consult more cases of malaria and water-borne diseases like cholera and typhoid during the rainy season.

Reasons for Recurrent Illnesses during the Rainy Season

Environmental factors, according to Doctor Tabi Zama account for recurrent illnesses during the rainy season.

He explains that water-borne diseases as the name implies, are diseases that are transmitted through water.

During the rainy season,” he explains, “Water is easily contaminated with other infectious sources. The entry point to Cholera Bacteria (Vibrio Cholera) and Typhoid Fever (Salmonella Typhi) is usually by mouth. So if the water we drink or use is contaminated, then we are exposed to recurrent diseases.”

As for malaria, he continued to explain that the common vector for the malaria parasite is the female anopheles mosquito, whose breeding is more conducive during a period with more humidity, like the rainy season. Also, standing water, which is breeding ground for mosquitos and plays an important role in the reproductive cycle of mosquitoes, is more common in the rainy season.

How to Curb the Prevalence of Illnesses during the Rainy Season

Dr Tabi Zama says that in order to avoid recurrent illnesses during the rainy season, improving WASH (Water, hygiene and sanitation) facilities could greatly help to curb the incidence of these diseases more prevalent during the rainy season.

Access to clean and well-treated potable water will also greatly reduce the incidence of water-borne diseases, according to the Doctor.

To fight malaria, another medical practitioner, Yaya Tashit advises on the importance of keeping the surrounding clean to avoid an environment that favours the breeding of mosquitoes.

“Individuals should pay more attention in making sure there is no standing water in their surroundings and put down bushes close to their houses especially as they grow more in the rainy season.

Another preventive measure medics recommend that is not particular to the rainy season but should be taken seriously, is to sleep under a long-lasting insecticide treated bed net.

Yvonne Egoh (intern)

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August 5, 2019
