SIARC 2024 : Cameroon’s Artisanal Legacy Honored at Closing Ceremony


Artisans in Cameroon and beyond who participated in the 8th edition of the International Handicrafts Fair have been congratulated on the impeccable display of their artifacts and their presence at the fair.

The Prime Minister and Head of Government, Chief Dr. Joseph Dion Ngute, was speaking while officially closing the eighth edition of the International Handicrafts Exhibition (SIARC)in Cameroon.

The solemn ceremony was highly attended by government officials, ministers, artisans, and entrepreneurs at the esplanade of the Cameroon National Museum, which hosted this year’s SIARC event.

For ten days, participants were able to showcase the craftsmanship potential of Cameroon and beyond, and also allow many visitors to discover and appreciate Cameroonian craft products and those from elsewhere, while creating and strengthening partnerships between stakeholders.

Speaking during the event, the Prime Minister, Joseph Dion Ngute, congratulated the artisans who hold the economic potential of Cameroon.

Medal Award Ceremony for Deserving Artisan

During the event, the results of an artisanal competition organized by SIARC were announced, and winners were awarded medals. The categories of artisanal works included painting/batik, sculpture, jewelry, leatherwork, textile, and more. The “Special Prizes” category included “The three (03) best national works,” “The best work of the CEMAC zone (other than that of Cameroon),” and “The three (03) best works of young people under thirty (30)” and others.

Grâce Kemajou Djoko won the prize for the best arts object in 2024 and was given a cheque of 1,000,000 FCFA. Meanwhile, the Minister of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Social Economy, and Handicrafts, Achille Basselikin III, was also awarded a special prize alongside the Prime Minister, Head of Government, Chief Dr. Joseph Dion Ngute.

Recommendations Made by the President of the Scientific Commission

The technical department made various recommendations to enhance the craft sector, including:

1. To the Government:

– Develop a program to support digital adaptation for craftspeople, with the support of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (MINPOSTEL) and technical partners.

– Encourage and support the establishment of incubators specialized in the craft sector.
– Promote the participation of a large number of craftspeople in international fairs.
– Strengthen the operability of the virtual gallery with the support of technical and financial partners.
– Continue structuring craftspeople for digital inclusion and provide training for a mindset change towards using and mastering digital tools.
– Accompany craftspeople with specialized experts to successfully carry out the digitalization process and continuously strengthen their capacities on the use of new technologies.
– Create a comprehensive digital platform for craftspeople and establish linkages between museums and craft villages.
– Develop legal and institutional frameworks to improve the digitization of all craft value chains, including intellectual property rights.


– Advocate for a cross-cutting brainstorming session to enable craftspeople to become international traders and improve their living conditions.
– Establish guidelines for the harmonious promotion of crafts for all CODEPA member states.
– Professionalize craft activities to give their structures credibility with financial institutions.

3. To Technical and Financial Partners:

– Promote decent work by integrating all categories of people towards full employment and appropriating digital tools.
– Fund research to encourage the creation of African platforms that will give greater visibility to local products.

4. To Digital Service Providers:

– Reduce communication costs for craftspeople.
– Bring their services or products closer to craftspeople.
– Facilitate the integration of services into the craftspeople’s card.
– Promote broadband Internet access and reduce related costs for craftspeople.

5. To Craftspeople:

– Register massively in the communal registers to benefit from all related advantages.

– Transition from traditional to digital to optimize and make craft activities more profitable.
– Network to create digital development hubs.
– Train to improve product quality and ensure competitiveness in cyberspace.
– Master computer tools, useful software, and modalities of access in cyberspace.

6. To Banks and Financial Institutions:
– Establish terminals and ATMs in craft villages and commercial areas across the 10 regions.
– Develop products and services to facilitate the financial inclusion of craftspeople.

The event also featured traditional dance group presentations to showcase Cameroon’s rich cultural heritage, alongside a battery of exciting presentations underlining the various cultures of the foreign delegation that took part in the event.

Che Tembuck

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