Thousands gather in the UK for global Muslim convention


Thousands of Ahmadiyya Muslims from around the globe are gathered in United Kingdom, for the annual Jalsa Salana UK Convention. The three day conference brings together members to discuss how to build relationship with God, strengthen the ties of brotherhood and discuss global peace.

With messages of support from King Charles and other faith leaders from around the world, ,the 3 day conference aimed at promoting global peace, unity and brotherhood, has brought together Muslims from over 100 countries including Cameroon.

More than 45,000 people are attending one of the largest spiritual conventions in the UK, the Jalsa Salana 2024 UK convention of Ahmadiyya Muslims.

The conference which started on Friday July 26, is held annually on a farm in Hampshire, attracting members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community from across the world.

45 thousand participants are attending the 2024 Jalsa Salana UK, held annually on a farm in Hampshire

The event in its 58th year focuses on spiritual growth, self reflection and community bonding.

This year’s event is focused on prayers and peace, urging Muslims to contribute to ending global volatility and unrest.

Renowned speakers this year, have delivered talks on various aspects of Islam, peace and social issues.

The ceremony began with the traditional flag hoisting, led by His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the worldwide head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. The raising of the Liwa-e-Ahmadiyyat, the community’s flag, alongside the Union Jack, symbolizes the harmonious integration of faith and national loyalty.

Hoisting of the flags by His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the worldwide head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

In his opening address, His Holiness emphasized the convention’s theme of “Unity and Peace,” urging attendees to embody the true teachings of Islam by fostering interfaith dialogue, compassion, and social justice. He highlighted the community’s ongoing global humanitarian efforts, including disaster relief, healthcare, and educational initiatives.

Dignitaries and representatives from various faiths and communities were present, reflecting the convention’s spirit of inclusivity and dialogue. Messages of goodwill from prominent political and religious leaders were shared, underscoring the importance of such gatherings in promoting global harmony.

Jumaa prayer, marking the beginning of the Jalsa Salana UK 2024 Ahmadiyya annual Convention

The first day of Jalsa Salana included spiritual lectures, prayers, and interactive sessions focused on youth empowerment and women’s contributions. Exhibitions showcased the rich history and global impact of the Ahmadiyya Community, offering attendees a deeper understanding of its mission and values.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat is an Islamic messianic movement originating in British India in the late 19th century. It was founded by Mizra Ghulam Ahmad, (1835- 1908)

First held in 1964, Jalsa Salana UK moved to the present site at East Worldham in 2006 after it was purchased by the community to accommodate more attendees.

Jalsa Salana serves as a platform for renewal and the elevation of spiritual standards.

Moity Uwaifo Akonjang

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