Maroua: Floods Devastate City but No Lives Lost


Infrastructure and basic services have been disrupted in the Baoliwol neighborhoods located in the Maroua 1 council by unprecedented flooding following heavy rainfall in the Far North Region.

The flood waters swept parts of the city, inundated homes, trapping residents and cutting off access to essential services. Despite the extensive damage, the community has been spared the tragedy of loss of life.

Baoliwol has been particularly hard-hit, with floodwaters rising to dangerous levels and entering homes. This has left many residents stranded inside their properties, unable to leave or access emergency services. “The water has completely surrounded our homes,” reported a local resident. “We are struggling to stay safe and keep dry.”

Roads Rendered Impassable

In other parts of the city, the heavy rains have caused roads to split into two, severely disrupting transportation and isolating communities. The damage to critical infrastructure has made it challenging for emergency responders to reach those in need, complicating relief efforts.

Mayor Sali Babani’s On-Site Assessment

City Mayor Sali Babani, along with his team, has actively engaged in assessing the damage firsthand. The mayor’s visit to the affected areas underscores the city’s commitment to addressing the crisis. “We are deeply concerned about the impact this flooding has had on our residents,” said Mayor Babani.

“Our priority is to provide immediate assistance and ensure that we mobilize all available resources to support our community during this difficult time. I also urge the people to stop building in flood prone areas and seek permits before erecting any infrastructure.” He added.

Health and Safety Concerns

Health officials are urging residents to avoid contact with contaminated water and seek medical attention if they experience symptoms as the stagnant waters pose a considerable risk of disease outbreaks, including cholera and malaria.

Community Resilience and Solidarity

Amidst the adversity, the people of Maroua have demonstrated remarkable resilience. Neighbours are coming together to support one another, sharing resources and providing assistance where possible. Local volunteers and organizations are playing a crucial role in relief efforts, highlighting the strength and solidarity of the community.

Faith Ngwang

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