North West: 30 Women from 8 Councils Trained in Pastry-making Techniques


For three days, the 30 beneficiaries were drilled on financial management and book keeping.

They also received training in pastry-making techniques, including baking, decorating, and packaging.

Materials, equipment and technical support from the United Nations Development Programme, UNDP within the context of the Presidential Plan for Reconstruction and Development of the North West and South west Regions was also given to them.

Each of the 30 young women startups received items from the UNDP made up of ovens, mixers, baking pans, Wheat flour, potato flour, cassava flour and cupboards for display.

The UNDP Cameroon Recovery Programme, assigned by the Government as the implementation partner of the Presidential Plan for the Reconstruction and Development (PPRD) for the Northwest and Southwest regions of Cameroon, is committed to supporting the economic empowerment of youths and of young women of the North West Region.  Most of the women have become family heads stemming from the loss of their husbands as a result of the crisis plaguing these two regions.

This initiative is a crucial step towards rebuilding the region’s economy and promoting gender equality through sustainable entrepreneurship.

Eric Langmia Woffo

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