The Northern Regions: Cultural dynamics between the past and the present


The three Northern Regions of Cameroon showcased their rich cultural heritage in an exhibition aimed at shining a spotlight on some of their ancestral treasures. The inaugural event at the National Museum on the 12 of July 2024, was opened by the Minister of Arts and Culture Bidoung Kpwatt in the presence of the French Ambassador to Cameroon Thierry Marchand.

Arts and Culture Minister Bidoung Kpwatt appreciated the initiative which he said, “will strengthen the dynamics of mutually beneficial artistic and cultural collaboration between Cameroon and France”

Members of the elites from the Adamawa, North and Far North Regions were present to support the initiative which will continue to promote the rich cultural patrimonies of their regions.

The event gathers the works of experienced artists and young talents, from every artistic discipline like painting and sculpture.

The exhibition therefore offered visitors the picture of a lively, diverse and original artistic creativity.

According to the French Ambassador to Cameroon Thierry Marchand, the art exhibition was to discover the Sudano-Sahelien cultural zone of Cameroon and most importantly the cultural diversity of the country.

Artists and Scenographers like ALIOUM Moussa, used the platform to promote the “Septentrion culture”

“I was very inspired by the growth of art scenes in other African countries, I grew up in Garoua, North Region and with the rapid rise of its art scene, multiplying the number of artists in the country, this felt like the next step for us”. ALIOUM added.

“We also wanted to choose a space where we could make a difference through art. We felt it would be a great way for people to connect to the country through art.”

The exhibition provided an opportunity to engage themselves with their past and contemporary heritage that is lacking on the ground, depriving local populations a part of their identity.


Tanjong Levis Agbor

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