Military Personnel awarded Medals and Epaulettes for Meritorious Services


Military personnel promoted to higher ranks have received epaulettes and medals of honour for during a ceremony at the military headquarters brigade in Yaounde.

The ceremony also saw the award of medals to civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defence for meritorious services rendered to the State.

The event chaired by the Minister Delegate to the Presidency in charge of Defence, Joseph Beti Assomo was attended by a cross section of members of the Government, the Heads of diplomatic missions accredited to Yaoundé and the President elect of the 79th General Assembly of the United Nations, Philémon Yang amongst other dignitaries.

The ceremony which kicked off with the award of Medals of honour saw the attribution of medals ranging from Knight of the Order of Valor to the public for Medal awarded to about thirty recipients.

The Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Defence, as well as the other members of government present handed over the medals to the recipients.

This was followed by the award of epaulettes to defence and security personnel promoted to higher ranks.
Officers promoted to the rank of Colonel were first in line followed by other other ranks in the category of officers. Next in line were none Commissioned Officers and soldiers of the rank and file closed the ranks.

Besides the officials, senior officers, placed the epaulettes on the shoulders of their subordinates.

The newly promoted have expressed gratitude to God and their hierarchy as well as to their families for their support and encouragement.
The ceremony was crowned with a military parade.

Elvis Teke

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