Governors from the Ten Regions meet For the First Bi Annual Conference in Yaoundé


Discussions during the Governor’s conclave in Yaoundé focused on security reports and Surveillance in the different regions of Cameroon. The First Bi-Annual Conference of Regional Governors was presided by the Minister of Territorial Administration, under the theme “Administrative Authorities in Maintaining Law and Order in a Pre-election period” Minister Paul Atanga Nji used the opportunity to call on all the region’s chief executive officers to intensify security in their jurisdictions.
Considering the context of pre election in the country, the MINAT Boss urged political parties to heed the voice of reason and respect Republican values.

Governors generally meet twice every year to discuss on the security situation of the regions, evaluate the realisation and execution rates of government projects and other general aspects of the country, with objective of improving the livelihood of citizens and piloting the country to emergence.

The session is hoped to give a better understanding of various challenges faced in different regions and concrete measures taken to curb such difficulties.

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