#Elections2025: vigilance maximale en  période pré-électorale

Principale directive du ministre de l’Administration territoriale (Minat), Paul Atanga Nji , aux gouverneurs de région à l’issue de leur 1ère conférence semestrielle ce 4 juillet 2024 à Yaoundé.   Note de satisfaction générale au terme des deux jours de travaux sur la question du maintien de l’ordre en période pré-électorale au Cameroun. Selon Paul […]

#CameroonTribune: un colloque pour marquer les noces d’or

Le journal public camerounais de référence, célèbre son 50e anniversaire avec un colloque les 4 et 5 juillet 2024 à l’hôtel Hilton de Yaoundé. L’événement, placé sous le thème « Presse publique, pluralisme politique et révolution numérique », a réuni plusieurs personnalités. La leçon inaugurale faite par le Pr Jacques Famé Ndongo, ministre d’Etat, ministre […]

International Day of Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises : The Powerhouses of the Global Economy celebrated

Cameroon commemorated the 4th International Day of Micro, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (MSME2024) on June 27, 2024 with the theme: “Sustainable and Inclusive Industrialization : Role and Contribution of MSMEs”. Sources  have revealed that nearly 98% of Cameroon’s entrepreneurial ecosystem comes from Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs). The Minister of Small and Medium […]

Wells dug in polluted environment, in Tongolo Yaoundé

These wells usually have oily surface which is caused by pollutants from toilet waste and others. It is the cause of diseases to the population that consumes the water. The doctor says if these water is drunk by people it might lead to cholera, dysentery, typhoid etc . The doctor said they should treat the […]

Governors from the Ten Regions meet For the First Bi Annual Conference in Yaoundé

Discussions during the Governor’s conclave in Yaoundé focused on security reports and Surveillance in the different regions of Cameroon. The First Bi-Annual Conference of Regional Governors was presided by the Minister of Territorial Administration, under the theme “Administrative Authorities in Maintaining Law and Order in a Pre-election period” Minister Paul Atanga Nji used the opportunity […]

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