30th Year of Families: Cameroon Prioritises the Family Nucleus

The Minister of Women’s Empowerment and the Family, Marie Therese Abena Ondoa has urged administrations, civil society organisations, technical and financial partners working for the development of Cameroon, to henceforth take into account the family as an institution in their respective development programmes and projects.

Comptes publics : le Comité de normalisation élargit son champ d’action

Le Comité de normalisation des comptes publics (CNCP) a franchi une nouvelle étape importante ce 14 mai 2024 en adoptant deux nouvelles normes comptables. Ces normes visent à perfectionner le dispositif actuel de gestion des finances publiques au Cameroun et à aligner les pratiques comptables sur les normes internationales. C’était au cours de la session […]

Adolescent Health : Experts Seek Solutions to Challenges at First Congress

  Health experts in Cameroon and partners are seeking solutions to adolescent health challenges at the first congress of the Cameroonian Society of Adolescent Health that opened in Yaounde on 14th May 2024.   Discussions at two-day event are focused on the theme “Adolescents and Globalization : Health Challenges in Resource Limited Setting”. The maiden […]

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