Neurology : Epilepsy treatment among priorities of first congress



The  first Scientific Congress of the Cameroon Academy of Neurosurgeons opened in Yaounde on 2nd May on the theme “Functional and congenital pathologies”. 

Organizers of the congress say the maiden edition is dedicated to fine-tuning and promo medical advancements in epilepsy treatment. Congenital malformations of the nervous system in children and vascular neurosurgery were also discussed at the two-day congress. 

“Epilepsy is a very common disease in Africa, but the question we are asking ourselves is why surgery, the most effective treatment of the disease, is not widely used in Africa. This is one of the issues we will discuss during the Congress” Pr Vincent de Paul DJIENTCHEU, President of the Cameroonian Academy of Neurosurgeons said . 

The prevalence of Epilepsy in Cameroon varies between 0.5 to 13.5% per thousand people according to the Cameroonian Academy of Neurosurgeons. In Africa, the doctor patient ratio is 1 neurosurgeon per 2.5million people.  

Improving this frail ratio is one of the most important issues the neurosurgeons from Cameroon, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Niger and Mali taking part in the Congress are working on. 

The maiden Congress of the Cameroonian Academy of Neurosurgeons was officially opened by the Inspector General of Administrative Services at the Ministry of Public Health, Mr. Boukar Oumaté, Representative of the Minister of Public Health.

“The organization of this conference is of necessity as the Academy of Neurosurgeons has become a partner of the government to improve the quality of health care in the country,” the Inspector General said during the opening ceremony. 

In search of Neurosurgeons

The number of neurosurgeons in Cameroon has considerably increased, and also enriched with the return of colleagues from other African and European schools of Neurosurgery. 

However, Neurosurgery is reportedly one of the health specialties seriously lacking in human resources. 

To improve the Neurosurgeon versus patient ration, the Congress has launched a competition to select five best presentations on neurosurgery during the two day event. 

“We want to use the competition to attract young people to become neurosurgeons. We will have a Congress in Kinshasa in November. We have organized a competition during this congress to select five youths with the best presentations who will travel to  Kinshasa to participate in the Congress in November,” Prof. Aderehime Haidara, Neurosurgeon from Côte d’Ivoire said. 

Epilepsy patients in Cameroon can be treated at the cost of between 30,000-40,000 monthly. Patients who become drug resistant can be treated by surgical procedures which experts estimate could cost a little below 1million FCFA. The neurosurgeons are using the congress to raise awareness about the use of surgical procedures to offer life-long treatment for the medical condition. 

Kathy Neba Sina

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